This summer marks five years since our first trip to Kenya is 2012. That means we’re celebrating here at Alabaster!
And we hope you’ll join us.
As we prepare to send our sixth team to Kenya, you’re invited to look back at our journey – where we went, who we met and what we’ve learned.
Then, in July, we have some special plans for our visit to Endonyolasho, which builds on each and every visit to the community to date. We can’t wait to share more with you.
And speaking of building – have you heard about our Build Hope Campaign? This effort formalizes what we’ve all been working on together over the past few years: bringing health to isolated communities through local partnership and empowerment. See more on the Build Hope 2017 page.
We hope you’re as excited and proud as we are about all that you, along with the Maasai community in Endonyolasho, have accomplished together over these past five years – and all that this progress is making possible for the people who live there. Keep checking in over the coming weeks to join our celebration!